Calling All Goat Lovers: Join the Bottle Baby Breakfast Club!
These rescued baby goats need extra love, and you can be a part of their journey to health and happiness.  For a $250 donation, bring up to 3 friends and spend an hour feeding and snuggling these sweet babies. As a thank you, we’ll include admission to one of our Group Tour days for you and a guest. Support our rescue efforts and create memories that will last a lifetime. Reserve your spot today!
Reserve Your Spot


Goatlandia is a place for people to meet animals, learn about the values of farm sanctuaries, and also a place to enjoy great plant-based food. We try to be as eco-minded as possible, with examples of how we accomplish this on the property: we recycle rainwater and greywater, generate solar power, compost our own scraps for use in the garden, and grow treats for our family. Watch a virtual tour, then come for a visit! Goatlandia has public tours from February until November.  Book a tour by emailing

Words To Live By

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”
—Anatole France

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