In-Kind Donations

Donate Food & Supplies

Here's a wishlist of items we could always use. Please check back often for updates. Thank you!
Donations can be delivered to:
2336 Olivet Lane, Santa Rosa, CA 95401.
Click each item to see a link to order on Amazon, our local Harmony Farm Supply, or a recommended online feed store. Items with ** are things we really need now.

For the Sanctuary:

Rakes and Brooms

For all the animals:

Thorvin Kelp  


Lubrysin HA

For our ruminants (goats and sheep):

Bulk Organic garlic powder 

Loose Mineral (here's one example)


For our pigs:

Nature's Match Sow & Pig Complete Feed

For our horses:

LMF Senior (can be ordered online or purchased at local feed store)


For our birds (hens, roosters, ducks, turkeys and geese):

Iceberg lettuce

Bulk Organic oregano 

Rooster Booster

Mazuri waterfowl food 

Modesto Mills organic hen scratch and layer pellet  

Schedule Delivery or pickup

Amazon Wishlist

We have a wishlist on Amazon . We also accept gently used items.
Check out our wishlist

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