
“Miss Photogenic”
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Chanel is a Nubian purchased and raised by a 4H student. 4H and FFA programs are designed to teach children about animal agriculture. Quite often, the project animals raised in these programs, most often pigs, cows, sheep, and Boer goats, are sold at county fairs and slaughtered after their purchase. It’s a difficult and traumatic experience for the students in some cases. Chanel is a dairy goat, so she wouldn’t have been slaughtered, but the student still wanted her to have a safe and loving forever home with other goats. Chanel is now a permanent resident of Goatlandia. She loves to shake her long ears as if she has long flowing hair and say to the world, “Look how beautiful I am.” She’s a charming girl whose favorite hobbies are sleeping, eating, and sunbathing. We call her Miss Photogenic because Chanel takes the best photos. She could be a model!

Some more pictures of me!

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