
“Sir Charles ”
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A family lost their home in the previous years' fire and were providing the best life they could for their family, 7 pigs, and several dogs. When they realized they needed to find the pigs new homes, Goatlandia teamed up with Animal Place and Jameson Humane to find them new families. One lucky boy, now named Chuck, found his new home at Goatlandia along side Gigi, Dippy, Brianna, and Portia. As soon as he met his new roommates, he instantly let them know he was large and in charge and would be there to fend off the pesky chickens from stealing their food.

Chuck fits in perfectly with his 4 new ladies and has already caught on that if someone says “Belly Rubs” to quickly flop over expect some lovin’. He is the first one to say hi when someone walks by, but so far his vocabulary is limited to oink and ooooiinnkkkk!

Some more pictures of me!

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