
“Holiday Miracle!”
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In October, we received a heartbreaking letter from a woman named Rhonda, who was in desperate need of help for Henry, her family’s beloved pet goat.

Henry is a gentle soul who had suffered a horrific injury, likely caused by a mountain lion attack. Rhonda had done everything in her power to provide him with the medical attention he needed, but the mounting vet bills and the prospect of losing Henry were almost too much to bear. Every veterinarian in her area recommended euthanizing him, but Rhonda believed that Henry could be healed, and she very much wanted to give him every chance at life. Her last hope was a plea to Goatlandia to help save Henry.

Rhonda's appeal for help resonated deeply with us, as we believe in being a beacon of compassion for both animals and their human companions. Henry's life was hanging in the balance. We could not stand by without offering our assistance.

When we responded to Rhonda's outreach, she made the heart-wrenching decision to let Henry go, recognizing that his best chance to recover lay with us. To make this possible, Rhonda traveled several hundreds of miles to bring Henry to our trusted veterinary team at UC Davis. There, Henry received the care he so desperately needed – his wound was treated, infections cleared, and he is now on the road to recovery.

What touched us most was the profound love and sacrifice that Rhonda exhibited for Henry. It was a shining example of unconditional love, and we assured her that we would not let her or Henry down.

Rhonda's story is a reminder that our work extends beyond the animals in our sanctuary. We are here to make a difference in the lives of both animals and their human caregivers by providing hope, support, and compassion when it's needed most.


Some of our rescued animals need specific medical care, treatments, or supplements to help them grow and heal here at the sanctuary. Henry falls in that category, and so we have a special Cuddly campaign just for them.

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