Dippy, Portia, & Brianna

“The KuneKune Girls”
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We originally rescued kunekune girls, Gigi, Dippy, Portia, and Brianna, who were purchased by a man who was going to raise them all for meat. After he named them and realized how smart and sweet they were, he fortunately had a change of heart.

Like any sisters, they all have very different personalities and traits: Dippy loves everything from swiss chard leaves to powered donuts and her tongue is normally hanging outside her mouth. Gigi is the extrovert of the family and is the first to come say hello and flop down for a belly rub. Portia is the largest sister and has a very relaxed and reserved personality while Brianna is the smallest and recognized by her wavy hair. She can run the fastest to breakfast and dinner and has a very sweet disposition. Kunekune breed pigs have short upturned snouts so they do not root and are known for their good temperament and overall adorable disposition. If you ever have met our girls, they surely made you smile and laugh!

Update: We lost sweet Gigi in 2023 when she was eight years old due to severe arthritis. We forever will love her and miss her sweet presence.


Some of our rescued animals need specific medical care, treatments, or supplements to help them grow and heal here at the sanctuary. Dippy, Portia, & Brianna fall in that category, and so we have a special Cuddly campaign just for them.

Some more pictures of us!

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