Upcoming Events at Goatlandia Kitchen

Goatlandia Kitchen

100% plant based & organic

6811 Laguna Park Way in Sebastopol, CA

Goatlandia Kitchen is excited to focus on catering for our community, hosting special events and meals here at the Kitchen, and serving as a commercial kitchen available to plant-based chefs.  
For more information, reach out by emailing us at info@goatlandiakitchen.org, or calling 707-503-6428.

Announcing the Good Food Co-Op!

We are delighted to share that Goatlandia Kitchen is partnering with Nova Terra Kitchen and Creamery to bring you our Grab & Go meals!  We'll also have lots of other deliciousness for purchase including cheeses from Nova Terra, Rebel, Climax and Bandit, house-made sauces and condiments, focaccia and baked goods.


Sign up for our list to receive Sunday emails with the week's menu. 

You can order through our website anytime until Wednesdays at 8pm, which is the order cut off time.


Then, come by Goatlandia Kitchen Saturday or Sunday from 11am-3pm to pick up your order. You’ll also have the opportunity to purchase additional food and drinks, including cheeses from Nova Terra, Bandit, Climax Foods, and Rebel.

Sign up to get on the Goatlandia Kitchen List, and you'll receive our rotating weekly menu announcements,
as well as special event updates delivered right to your inbox

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