Ruminations From The Goat Girl

"Ruminations From The Goat Girl" features anything and everything from Goatlandia's founder, aka The Goat Girl, Deborah Blum. Follow Deb on Clubhouse and on Instagram @GoatlandiaGirl

All About Saanens!

Here are some fun facts about the goat breed called "Saanen"! They are my favorite breed of goat! 🤓 The Saanen breed's scientific ir jordan 4 tour yellow 200 name is “Capra aegagrus hircus". They are also referred to by these other names in other languages: Saanenziege AcmShops Marketplace , JORDAN AIR JORDAN XXXIV LOW […]

Winter and Cold

I wanted to share a topic with you that I ruminate on ALL…. THE…. TIME. In fact, I often lose sleep over this, because I love the animals I’m honored to share my life with and I want them to always be comfortable.  Winter and Cold. Brrrrr!!!! For the first several years that I was […]

Lessons From Our Three-Legged Friends

We’ve had numerous animals here with physical limitations or disabilities; blindness, an ill-recovered fracture resulting in a limp, and amputated limbs. At the current time, we have a dog born with only three legs named Nemo (below). We also have a goat who injured his leg as a kid and had to have it amputated. […]

Who rescued who?

This special edition of Ruminations is brought to you by Goatlandia's Sanctuary Manager, Meagan Dallas. She is responsible for animal care, volunteer coordination, and other organizational aspects of the sanctuary. Meagan is an active advocate for animals of all species and is vegan. Summer is approaching and the weather is heating up here! We are […]

Four Newborn Goats That Nobody Wanted

On February 23, 2022, I shared a video about four baby goats we rescued. They were being sold at an auction, but no one bid on them. This is a message I recorded after several sleepless nights, trying to save their lives.

Do Goats Fall In Love?

Ah... love. We all want to love and be loved. And falling in love is one of the most thrilling human experiences. Scientific studies have shown that feelings of love cause our body to release feel-good hormones and neuro-chemicals that trigger specific, positive reactions. But is this true for animals as well? Do goats feel love? […]

Special New Year's Message From Deb

We've got a special New Year's message for you from Goatlandia's founder, Deborah Blum (and Ollie the goat): It's a Brand New Year! And with every New Year comes the New Year’s Resolution. Do you have one? I do, and I’ll share it with you later. What is a resolution? A resolution is simply defined […]

Optimism On Challenging Days

I like to think I’m an optimist, but some days it’s hard.  I struggle every day with things I see and hear around me and in the news. We live in a world that is rife with division, inequity, racism, discrimination and violence. We feel lonelier and more cutoff from each other than ever before. We work countless hours to make more money to buy more “things” that we hope will make us happy.

Death and Grief

Most deaths, whether human or non-human animal, are neither pleasant nor on the terms we envisioned. Most of us don’t think about death when we’re young; it’s an abstract concept that feels so far away, until someone we love dies. My first real experience with death was losing my father suddenly at 21. I felt it, even though I was miles away in a different city. I felt the tug on my heart and a black hole of pain, and I curled up on the foot of my bed fully clothed and slept.

LGBTQ+ Pride Month

It was June 1969, and the Stonewall riots in Manhattan were a catalyst for the equal rights movement for LGBT people. Fifty-two years later, we are celebrating PRIDE in a big, bold way, all over the world and for a whole glorious month. The words “gay” or “queer” are no longer regarded as something shameful and wrong. “Queer” is now sexy, empowering, liberating, inclusive, and beautiful.

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